
King Alfred Quilters started over 30 years ago. We are is a friendly group of stitchers, encompassing patchwork, quilting, applique or any other creative sewing. We are always ready to share expertise and ideas and therefore inspire creativity. 

We have an evening meeting at East Challow Village Hall on the 1st Wednesday of the month. 7-9PM. These meeting are mainly talks or demonstrations by outside speakers or a skill shared by one of our knowledgeable members.  

We always welcome non- members to these meetings. No experience in patchwork is needed; just an enthusiasm for sewing and learning new skills.

On the 3rd Wednesday of the month, we have our daytime sewing session at East Challow Cricket Club Pavilion10 - 3PM. These are very popular and well supported sessions, where members get to sew and chat, while sharing skills and experience.

Throughout the year we hold several, all-day workshops with visiting tutors and a day we call a 'UFO' day, which is a chance for us to get together to work on our projects.

We also organise outings to exhibitions, trade shows and quilting shops.

At every meeting we have a 'Show and Tell' session, where members can show their work to be admired and inspire other members.

We have 2 sewing challenges during the year, one for the summer party and one for Christmas meeting.

We have a monthly newsletter, where we share news and give information on latest exhibitions and quilting shops.

Our last exhibition was in 2022 at the Vale and Downland Museum. It was a great success, and we raised £1000 for the October Club. It was also a great window on the creativity and skills from our members. 

Every year we do a joint project, e.g. Block of the month, or Friendship Blocks, which can be put together to produce Quilts for the Linus project.

We are affiliated to the Quilters guild and receive their monthly newsletter and gives us access to their meetings and workshops.


We buy Wadding in bulk; to be able to pass on the discount to our members and we have a library of patchwork books for members to borrow.

New Members are always welcome. Please contact us on kingalfredquilters@gmail.com or just come along to one of our meetings.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Our membership fees is just £15 for 6 months.

Please contact us on kingalfredquilters@gmail.com or just come along to one of our meetings.

We look forward to meeting you!


Committee 2025

Chair: Helen East

Secretary: Paulien Roorda  01235 762680

Treasurer: Jean Pearce

Newsletter: Brenda Blunt

Programme: Emma Reed


Email  kingalfredquilters@gmail.com


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